All Materials published on this website belong to Angelic Divine Universal Healing ©

Hi to all of you. Allow me to introduce myself,
my name is Pina and welcome to my healing rooms online.
I call my therapy Angelic Divine Universal Healing as it is not just one type of therapy.
Being blessed with the ability to
channel Divine Energy, I allow the full energy of God, Angels, Goddesses and Masters to work through me, to assist you upon your journey.
The majority of My healings are delivered in Gods divine light language, a
healing language that is channelled through for your individual needs.
On My home page You would have heard what the healing language sounds like, which has a song channelled through by the
angels for this website and for all of you that come to it.
Each and every person receives directly, the pure Divine Energy that is solely for that persons journey here on the planet at this time.
A healing session with me, may contain a blend of different healing
modalities in any one session. Guided by the Divine Realm, I will make use of whatever will be most beneficial for the individual. By channelling and singing of your souls song, I can
assist in cutting through consciousness to promote healing. As you
progress on your journey additional songs come forward to take you to the next step.
One of My specialties, is to help unblock, blockages that are slowing you down in the progression to fulfill your life purpose. This is highly recommended if you are a healer struggling with moving forward and making full use of your divinely given gifts.
It is my personal interest to help others upon their spiritual path of enlightenment. I am a channel for the Divine ISIS, Mother Mary, and the Enlightened Quan Yin and Goddess Athena. These beings work through me, to bring forward the Love and Light that the High Priestesses held in Atlantis and Leumeria, into this lifetime.”
Below is a list of Healing Modalities I use
Sound and Colour Therapy .
My Sound healing consists of Soul songs In the divine Light languages of time which cut through consciousness to deliver a higher energy vibration combined with, My sonic Chamber, Singing bowls (55 bowls combined crystal and Tibetan) Tuning forks, chimes, drums, etc.
Angel Energy, Ascended Master and Goddess energy, Energy from the love and healing angels of Pleiades, Sirius and Orion.
I work with the energy of the
Seraphim Angels and with the 7 rays of the Archangels and their Twin Flames.
Goddess Isis Of Lemuria and Atlantis, Mother Mary ,Athena. Quan Yin, Buddha, Jesus, Ganesh are just some of the guides that assist in most the healings I deliver
Other Healing Modalities I use Are-
Crystal Therapy ,
Atlantean Healing,
Reiki & Isis Healing (Master)
Shamanic Healing
Release of Emotional Blockages
Chakra and Aura Balancing
Spiritual Guidance
Past Life release
Attunement to Atlantean and
Leumerian energy Healing
As well as providing healings, meditations and sound baths from My Bellevue Heights healing rooms.
I also do long distance Angelic Healing, Sound Healing and Reiki by phone or skype.
The above is a part of what I do. One of my specialties is to advance
other healers and unblock them from what is slowing them in their
progression to fulfill their life purpose.
Come and experience a 1 hour session channeled for you.
By the end of the session you will feel lighter and rejuvenated.
Feel the pain of the past leave your body.